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Balance Bike - 80QR

Asking Prize : 80

8/14/2022 6:39:31 AM

Product Description

Balance bikes are a great way to start your child riding safely. Creates confidence and helps learn balancing and steering skills Balance bike lets kids use their feet to move, stop, steer or turn around; gives them control and the confidence to keep riding Designed with a lightweight frame, kid-narrow handlebars and toddler-sized grips, makes it easy for your little rider to control Ideal for children aged around 1.5 to 5 years

(9 / 10 / 12682 )

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Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 70424198 )

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Product Key Word

Balance bikes great start your child riding safely Creates confidence helps learn balancing steering skills Balance bike lets kids their feet move stop steer turn around gives them control confidence keep riding Designed with lightweight frame kidnarrow handlebars toddlersized grips makes easy your little rider control Ideal children aged around yearsBalance Bike 80QR